Rise Above Your Stuff: A Workbook for those Struggling to Find Themselves Amidst their Stuff

Rise Above Your Stuff: A Workbook for those Struggling to Find Themselves Amidst their Stuff


If you have been struggling with disorganization and hoarding for a while, this workbook is for you. You may have read other organizing books without seeing any changes in your home. This workbook will help you understand more about chronic disorganization and hoarding, evaluate your situation, and help you discover how your thoughts, feelings, and life experiences play a role. You will read the stories of others in similar situations and be guided through activities to help you “Rise Above Your Stuff".

Praise for Rise Above Your Stuff

"I can't wait to refer this book to my clients and colleagues!”

"This workbook sends me on a journey through my own brain function and tells me how to manage it - my thoughts, feelings, responses, etc. - so that I can get out of my own way and move on to achieve what I need and want to".

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